Implementasi Chatbot Sebagai Layanan Customer Service Pada Kafe Duniawi Coffee


  • Muhammad Diemas Mahendra Universitas Dinamika Bangsa, Jambi
  • Errissya Rasywir Universitas Dinamika Bangsa, Jambi
  • Laura Prasasti Universitas Dinamika Bangsa, Jambi


Implementation, Chatbots, Customer Service, Café


Customer service at a cafe is a service that is needed to help visitors. The rapid development of technology can be utilized as an online communication service provider, one of which is a chatbot. In this study, a chatbot system was developed to improve customer service at Duniawi Coffee Cafe, making it easier for potential visitors to get information and function as a communication tool that can respond to visitors anywhere as long as the server is still running. This chatbot is implemented using Wablas tools and can be used by visitors and potential visitors through the Whatsapp application. Software development in this study uses the Waterfall method and the results of system testing show that the chatbot system can understand the messages given by users according to the topic of the message


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